Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals
What is it?
The establishment of an effective chemical and service program to steam raising plants is important to ensure safe and efficient operation of the steam boiler.

What is the Problem?
Poor water quality can severely damage your boiler system. Minerals, like calcium and others, in the water can accumulate in the boiler and pipes as scale deposits. These deposits can slow the passage of steam through the system or block it entirely. In fact, scale is the most significant contributor to efficiency loss in your steam boiler system. Probes submerged in the water can also become encrusted with scale, just like the pipes. If the probes cannot correctly measure the water temperature or pressure, the boiler may automatically shut off.
Foaming inside the boiler tank occurs when solids in the water float to the top. When the water heats, these solids foam from the steam. Some rise through the steam to the turbines or superheaters. When the solids deposit on these, the system loses efficiency. Eventually, the solids will work their way throughout the rest of the boiler, causing more damage.
Corrosion can transpire anywhere in the boiler. In fact, this boiler problem often happens starting on the inside and eventually working its way out. Therefore, signs of corrosion may not be evident until a pipe or tank leaks.
Typically, corrosion stems from a chemical reaction of the boiler water with the material of the pipes or tank. This situation may happen from too much dissolved oxygen in the boiler water, an improper pH level or dissolved solids.
Steam turbines are precisely engineered machines with close tolerances and restrictive operating requirements. It is therefore critical that the steam purity and quality meet the specifications for safe and efficient operation.
What is the Solution?
Our boiler water treatment expertise extends throughout high and low-pressure boiler water treatment, district heating, and steam conditioning processes.
Boiler Feedwater Treatment - Our focus is on removing or chemically modifying substances that could potentially damage your boiler and its systems. This includes pre-treatment programs that externally treat raw water, removing impurities before they enter your boiler system in the first place.
Internal treatment -Our team of experts will be able to undertake a survey of your boiler water system and understand if your system is performing suboptimally. We champion extending the longevity of our customer's equipment and our experts know exactly what combination of chemistries need to be applied to avoid scaling damage and ensure all system assets are protected from damage such as corrosion. We aim to get your boiler performing to the best of its ability, whilst lowering your environmental footprint and saving costs.
Steam condensate treatment - Contamination of the steam with Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen can lead to corrosion of pipework leading to costs associated with pipework replacement and the loss of expensive steam. Once our experts have discovered the problem, they utilise a range of products including neutralising amines and filming amines to prevent recurrence and ensure continued protection.

We can impact your operation by -Using our innovative range of water treatment chemicals, we’ll create a bespoke water treatment program for you in line with relevant industry standards such as BS 2486:1997 ‘Recommendations for treatment of water for steam boilers and water heaters’ and BG04 ‘Boiler Water Treatment Guidance’.
- reducing your operating costs by streamlining water and energy usage
- protecting your assets, extending their life and avoiding downtime.
Please contact one of our experts for an initial consultation to see how we can impact your operations.