Water Hygiene Services - Water Treatment Chemicals
What is it?
Hygiene services refer to the prevention and eradication of unwanted bacteria that forms in both industrial and potable water processes.

What is the Problem?
Legionellosis is a term used for diseases caused by legionella bacteria including legionnaires’ disease, as well as the similar but less serious conditions of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever. Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and everyone is susceptible to infection.
The bacterium Legionella pneumophila and related bacteria are common in natural water sources, but they may also be found in man made water systems, such as cooling towers, evaporative condensers and hot and cold water systems. If conditions are favourable, the bacteria may multiply, increasing the risks of legionnaires’ disease.
What is the Solution?
With years of experience, a team of experts and a range of technologies designed to not only combat Legionella but to prevent it entirely, we can ensure efficient and reliable results. Our Legionella control programme secures your facility and processes, methodically analysing risks and distinguishing the cause and solution. We are a registered member of the Legionella Control Association and a BACS member company.
We Offer:
- Water safety risk assessments
- Legionella risk assessments
- Legionella monitoring
- Temperature monitoring
- Sampling
- Cleaning and disinfection
- Chemical Dosing Systems & Servicing
- Team training
Water Safety Control
Unsafe water can cause a host of health problems due to the growth of detrimental and potentially dangerous bacteria. With expert analysis and a vast selection of water treatment chemicals, we can help you ensure water safety by hitting compliance regulations.
Please contact one of our experts for an initial consultation to see how we can impact your operations.