Rethink Water for the Pulp and Paper Industry 


Addressing economic and environmental challenges by optimising mill performance, improving energy efficiency, providing efficient water treatment solutions and assisting our clients reduce the ecological impact of their activities.

Wastewater Pulp & Paper Blog

Processing wastewater to simultaneously comply with trade effluent consents if discharging to municipal drains and the stringent regulations outlined in EU Directive 2010/75/EU (Pulp & Paper BREF Document) for industrial emissions into water courses, can be a real challenge for businesses, we discuss these challenges in our latest blog and the options available to you to adhere to these regulations.

Rethink Water Whitepaper

Read our whitepaper on Rethink water, to find out why wastewater is no longer a dirty word and how to consider wastewater as a useful, sustainable and valuable resource that can save water, energy and money.