Incoming waste is shredded and transferred to a bunker from which it is fed to the combustion zone of a 5-pass high pressure boiler to raise steam to power a turbine generator boiler. Make-up water for the boiler has to meet a very high quality specification of conductivity <0.1µS/cm, silica <5µg/kg and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) <0.1µg/kg.
Veolia’s solution was to custom design a system based on packaged skid mounted equipment to reduce the site installation time on site, whilst complying with the Hitachi Engineering specifications. In order to meet environmental goals the process uses chemical-free membrane technologies – reverse osmosis (RO) followed by Continuous Electro De-Ionisation (CEDI) – and mixed bed polishing cylinders that are regenerated off-site at infrequent intervals.
•<0.1μS conductivity make-up water •12m3 /h peak demand