Case study EDF Energy mobile ion exchange plant avoids costly downtime, UK

EDF Energy mobile ion exchange plant avoids costly downtime, UK

Client Needs

EDF Energy owns and operates 15 nuclear plants at eight nuclear power stations in the UK. These stations have a combined capacity of just under 8,800MW - about 10% of the UK's total installed electricity generation capacity from all energy sources, which comes to about 85,000MW.

Station Chemist, David Davidson, wanted to ensure that water of the required quality and quantity would always be available. In order to achieve this he consulted Veolia's Mobile Water Services team for a solution.

Our Solution

Veolia has a fleet of mobile water treatments systems which can be deployed in a matter of hours for emergency or planned use.

The Result

  • Mobile Water Services mobile plant available at short notice
  • Cover for planned maintenance and start-up
  • Off-site regeneration